Tom Blackford is a highly accomplished individual and relationships counsellor with over 20 years of experience in the field. Working with people across a wide range of presenting challenges, he is optimistic that everyone has the ability to grow and change; he is passionate about working with his clients to get there.
It is Tom’s role to guide clients on how to utilise their intrinsic ability for growth and change, such that they may find a way to a better and happier life. To do this, Tom quickly gains an understanding of the factors that have held them back and uses a broad range of tools to help clients move forward. Some clients need to develop or learn skills, other need new information or a new perspective to make the difference. Or for some, they’ve been through a difficult experience that needs resolving. Whatever the need, Tom has the expertise and ability to identify what will make the difference and, how to make the difference.
Tom has over 20 years of insight and tools to help each unique person in his practice. He draws from a range of evidence-based therapies including, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Gestalt Therapy. What is more important is that he uses effective techniques to tailor sessions so that each client can address their individual challenges. Clients are regularly surprised that long standing difficulties change or disappear faster than they could have imagined with Tom’s understanding and effective guidance.
Appointments currently available
Open 8am to 8pm weekdays and 9am to 5:30pm weekends