Kathy Donaldson is a highly experienced counsellor who has worked in the field for more than 15 years. Kathy has practiced in a diverse range of settings with clients where she helps them to achieve the results they are seeking, and ultimately to improve their psychological wellbeing and relationships. Kathy holds membership with the Australian Counselling Association and works with individuals, couples, families, children, and adolescents.
Kathy is passionate about helping her clients establish valuable strategies that will allow them to overcome challenges they have in their personal lives, relationships, or with family members. Through informative and insightful sessions, her clients gain a helpful understanding of themselves. They understand how past events may be affecting their current situation, identify and improve issues in their relationships, and identify and manage their emotions. This allows them to learn and implement new thoughts and behaviours that can lead to positively changes in their lives.
Drawing on her extensive experience, Kathy is committed to providing clients with practical strategies and insights. By tailoring all sessions to an individual client’s needs, goals, and strengths, she provides her clients with supportive opportunities to get the results they are seeking. Kathy has access to, and implements, an extensive array of resources that will complement the strategies discussed with her clients in their sessions.
Appointments currently available
Open 8am to 8pm weekdays and 9am to 5:30pm weekends