Dr Steve Halls is a highly trained and professional clinical psychologist with more than 30 years of experience in the counselling and psychotherapy field. He is skilled in working with a wide range of clients who present with many varying concerns or issues.
Steve employs evidence-based techniques in his sessions which allow him to focus on a client’s underlying psychological processes and behaviours. He has also worked in the past on developing some of these integrative systems-based techniques as he believes that there is a strong connection between a client’s psychology processes and any subsequent stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma-based behaviour they may show. This therefore allows him to treat the cause of a client’s issues and not just the symptoms.
Steve provides information, learning opportunities, and implementation of strategies and tactics in the counselling room. These are delivered in a practical and approachable manner to assist clients in facilitating their own behavioural change and personal growth. He follows a person-centred approach that is designed to educate, empower, engage, and facilitate the processes of growth, self-awareness, and personal growth. This allows clients to have direct input in the counselling process such that all sessions with Steve are tailored to a client’s goals, strengths, and needs.
Appointments currently available
Open 8am to 8pm weekdays and 9am to 5:30pm weekends